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Rychle najít práci v okolí

Molson Coors Europe s.r.o. - Praha

Pracovní pozice Demand Planner Export & License EMEA APAC

Místo výkonu práce Nádražní 43 / 84
15000 Praha
Okres: Hlavní město Praha
Požadovaný stupeň vzdělání Základní + praktická škola
Mzda Od 45 000 Kč/měsíc

Najít práci v blízkém okolí
Výpočet čisté mzdy

Počet volných míst 1
Doba trvání / zahájení práce Od 01. 02. 2023
Co říká Molson Coors Europe s.r.o. o pozici Kontakt:email:zuzana.sabolova@molsoncoors.com Upřesňující informace: Ochota cestovat v rámci pracovních povinností alespoň 15% pracovního času. Demand Planner, Export and License EMEA & APAC Your Purpose The role is crucial in E&L Supply chain for Forecasting and other related processes both internally and externally with contract manufacturing partners. Moreover, for Supply chain planning making sure that processes are set up and followed regularly per contracts/agreements, network Sourcing optimization and planning which includes optimization of several sourcing locations and alignment on best route from total landed cost perspective across EMEA & APAC geographies. You will be also accountable for the planning aspects of packaging and product development, new stock keeping units (SKUs), CAPEX planning and CAR preparation and execution as well as the identification and delivery of Value Optimization Process projects for Export & Licence. Some key responsibilities will include also: o Leading the Sales and operations planning process (S&OP) for Export & Licence, for the accuracy and timely submission of forecasts to production locations across our geographies in EMEA & APAC (and external contract manufacturing partners). o Managing the entire planning process to optimize operations, managing the sales forecast, third party suppliers planning and inventory management. o Demand Control for Direct to Retail Customers. Implementation of our contractual rules within sourcing site planning process (stock keeping, lead times, SAI/stock shelf life follow up, etc.) o Supply chain planning for third party suppliers. Making sure that processes are set up and followed regularly per contracts Support innovations and projects from planning side in coordination with Project & Process managers. Implementation of Value Optimization Process projects for Export & Licence Supply Chain. If you have the following … we want to hear from you! o University Degree; Preferred: Engineering/Business/Economics/Logistics. o At least 3 years experience in Planning, Supply Chain Operations in production multinational environment. o Broad end to end understanding of Planning and supply chain principles o Understanding of product and supply chain costings as well as financial acumen o Client management skills and ability to build credible, trusting partner relationships o Analytical skills and software knowledge (SAP and Power BI or similar preferred) o Persuasive and influential communicator with ability to effectively interact in a cross-functional environment with all levels of management and oriented to find solution and achieve results o You are fluent in English, have good communication skills and desire to collaborate in multicultural environment. o You put people first, and value our differences- everyone matters. o You are bold and decisive, using facts and principles to guide you to make decisions. o You take accountability, and shake every tree for success; your team and customers count on you, because you deliver. o You learn every day and you are open for feedback. o You look for ways to make the team and work better, then celebrate success together! Zaměst.výhody: stravenky, sportovnni karta Multisport, Benefit Plus
Typ pracovního poměru Pracovní poměr - plný úvazek
Směnnost Pružná pracovní doba
Vhodné pro Zdravé osoby
Adresa pro kontakt Molson Coors Europe s.r.o.
Nádražní 43 / 84
15000 Praha
Kontaktní osoba Zuzana Bugisova

Místo výkonu práce na mapě

Nádražní 43/84, 15000 Praha - Smíchov

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